Compassionate Training for Today’s Sport Horse – Dr Karin Leibbrandt



The key to horse friendly training AND good performance

In this course: ‘Compassionate Training For Today’s Sport Horse’,  Dr. Karin Leibbrandt of 4dimension dressage at Equicare Plus in Holland clearly explains the science behind proper training, and guides you towards a regime that will give you the results you want.

This course consists of 37 video lessons  – presented over 10 topics. 

Whether you are an equine professional or amateur, this course will give you the key to horse friendly training AND good performance.

No previous experience in online learning is needed to take this course consisting of 10 topics with 37 professionally shot videos and easy-to-complete quizzes so that you can test what you know.


Below, is a list of what you should be able to do after completing each topic:

Topic 1:

  • Recognize a balanced horse
  • Identify the signs of a straight horse
  • Discuss how to train a horse forward, downward and out
  • Discuss the consequences of low, deep and round training
  • Discuss the importance of a training schedule

Topic 2:

  • Discuss natural crookedness of the horse
  • Explain why a horse is naturally crooked
  • Discuss imbalance of today’s modern sport horse
  • Discuss why natural crookedness is a problem for the ridden horse

Topic 3:

  • Discuss coordination of the vertical plane
  • Discuss coordination in the horizontal plane
  • Discuss coordination in the lateral planes
  • Discuss coordination in the diagonal plane

Topic 4:

  • Explain the “L.C.R.S” Diagnostic system
  • Discuss how to recognize imbalance using the L.C.R.S. Diagnostic System
  • Discuss coordination in the diagonal plane

Topic 5:

  • Discuss a horse’s posture and body language
  • Discuss finding balance in the core

Topic 6:

  • Discuss balance problems under saddle
  • Identify a left bent/right bent horse
  • Discuss the quality of contact between horse and rider
  • Discuss balance problems in the horse’s body

Topic 7:

  • Discuss what to consider before you start training
  • Explain exercises to improve the balance of the horse

Topic 8:

  • Discuss using zig zag techniques to improve vertical balance
  • Explain some difficulties in using zig zag techniques
  • Discuss the benefits of zig zag techniques in improving vertical balance

Topic 9:

  • Explain the difference between the loose rein and the hard rein
  • Identify mistakes related to connecting the loose rein
  • Discuss connecting the loose rein going to the right and to the left

Topic 10:

  • Explain how to release the hard rein going to the left
  • Discuss common problems riders have when releasing the rein to the left and to the right
  • Identify correct and incorrect release of the rein

The best investment you can make for yourself and your horse!’