Before You Buy A Horse, Important Considerations – Part 7 (Final)

groundwork training
Open Post,

While we have already mentioned the role of the rider’s experience, budget and motivation in evaluating an appropriate purchasing strategy, we fill finish with a reminder list of considerations when undertaking the task of owning and riding a horse:

equestrian rider
  • Examine your motivation in relation to the welfare of the horse
  • Make sure your budget is sufficient for your management program and expectations
  • Make sure you have sufficient, reliable educational resources
  • Make sure you have access to a reliable team of professionals (vet, farrier, trainer, saddle fitter, nutritionist, behavior consultant etc.) to help you as and where appropriate
  • Make sure you pick the appropriate horse for your level of experience, time available, budget, expectations and personality.
  • And, finally – enjoy the journey and the time spent with your horse!
saddle fitting

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