Equine Healing and Rehabilitation of Tendon and Ligament Injuries



In this video course on equine healing and rehabilitation of tendon and ligament injuries, Dr Carol Gillis – internationally acclaimed veterinarian, author and lecturer specialized in equine soft-tissue injury – introduces you to the use of ultrasound to diagnose and treat ligaments.

The course also addresses why injuries occur and how the treatment and recovery process can be best managed. You may watch an introductory video to this course here:

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Explain how ultrasound is used to inform and assess treatment of injuries.
  • Describe the phases of healing of a soft-tissue injury
  • Discuss the importance of a controlled exercise program as part of tendon-injury healing process.
  • Discuss causative factors which may cause tendon injuries.

If you score over 70% in the quiz at the end, you can download a free certificate and an electronic badge to share on your LinkedIn and social media profiles to show you have passed this course.